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PWEN Little Rock Chapter

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The Little Rock PWEN Chapter is currently being organized and we are thrilled to be positioned to serve the women of Arkansas by way of our first chapter.

PWEN is not your main stream women's organization, PWEN is where LEADERS come to grow and make an impact. Iron sharpens iron and as leaders we need that place to go to further develop our personal and professional skillsets. We are a collective power of women coming together to strengthen our economic status, leadership, and power. 

Why Arkansas?

Arkansas is home to 1.5 million women but did you know if current trends continue, women in Arkansas will not see equal pay until the year 2082? Arkansas' grade for women's employment & earnings is a "D-" and has remained the same since the 2004 Status of Women report. Its grade for women's poverty & opportunity is a "D-" and has improved..

Women who work full-time, year-round have a median annual earnings of $32,000 and Arkansas ranks 45th nationally for the share of women in poverty.

As you can see there is work to be done and PWEN is committed to joining the movement to advance the status of women by doing what we do best.

  • PWEN has created a platform that allows and encourages women to leverage and expand their sphere of influence through our partner network, in-person and online events.

  • We have programs specifically created to help women become self-employed or if currently self-employed to scale their businesses by increasing awareness, driving sales, mentoring, and coaching for next level success.

  • PWEN has the CJG Scholarship Program targeting under-served young women attending college. Our goal is to help these ladies complete their education for we know the sure way out of poverty is through education.  Only 23% of women in Arkansas have a bachelor's degree or higher.

  • Through the NLEAD Academy we also provide personal and professional ongoing development to increase the skillsets of those women who dare to go to the next level.

Here is another staggering statistic,  29.7% of Black women and 30.6% of Hispanic women live in poverty compared to 15.4% of White women. We have work to do just to close the gap between ourselves and it takes ALL of us to change these statistics.

PWEN is blessed to collaborate with other community organizations, corporations, and individuals to execute our mission. PWEN is a movement and is one of the fastest growing non-profit women's organizations led by women of color in the U.S. and rapidly growing on a global level. 

If our mission speaks to your heart and soul, we would love for you to lock arms with PWEN by becoming a PWEN Partner and helps us strengthen the status of women locally, nationally, and globally - one woman at a time!

Statistics are taken from the Economic Status of Women 2018 report, which can be downloaded here.

Economic Status of Women Report

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Managing Empowerment Director

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