Empowering Women to Achieve Phenomenal Things
Our Story: How PWEN Came to Be
Sharise L. Erby's story is a courageous one. In February of 2000, she married the person she believed to be the love of her life, taking vows for better or worse, sickness and in health. Within a few years, Sharise realized that her fairytale had turned into a nightmare. For the next decade, she struggled to regain control of her life and find herself again. Despite the many obstacles, Sharise never lost hope and remained determined to live a better life.
Sharise is a licensed minister and was married to a licensed minister. However, their Christian faith was not enough to prevent emotional, financial, and spiritual abuse that Sharise endured for eight years. It's important to recognize that abuse can come in many forms and that all forms of abuse are traumatizing. Sharise is an incredible woman who made waves in the corporate world as a glass ceiling shattering executive. She was also a community leader, and devoted mother. This is why it was heartbreaking to hear about the abuse she suffered during her marriage. Despite the hardships she faced, Sharise never gave up hope. She fought to break free from her abuser and protect her children from further harm.
Searching for help but not quite finding what she needed, Sharise created the Phenomenal Woman Conference to bring powerful women together to share their insights and experiences. The conference provided a platform for women to learn from each other and network with other professionals in the community. On that day in April 2005, Sharise realized that she was not alone in her struggles and that there were other successful women like her who were stuck in some sort of situation. This realization led to the birth of a movement that empowers women to break free from any situation holding them back, whether it be an abusive relationship or simply playing small in the world. This movement is PWEN, and we are dedicated to supporting and empowering all women to reach their full potential.
As Sharise put the pieces of her life back together again she re-entered corporate America and quickly rose to senior levels of leadership. She found herself with a career she loved, earning six figures, owning her own home, driving a fabulous hot car, debt free, her best physical fitness, even a new wonderful relationship, and living her best life but something was still missing. It was in May of 2013 that God tapped her on the shoulder and told her to return to her first love, the Phenomenal Woman Conference. Only this time she knew she had more work to do than a once a year event, so she expanded the vision and found the Phenomenal Woman Empowerment Network (PWEN) obtaining our 501c3 non-profit status.
September 2015, born of turmoil Sharise left her six figure job and became a full-time President/CEO and consultant.
For years, women have been underrepresented in the business world, and there have been few organizations dedicated to their growth and advancement. That's where PWEN comes in - we're committed to creating a community of ambitious, driven women who support and inspire each other to achieve greatness. Our mission is to provide women with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to thrive, both personally and professionally. Whether you're just starting out in your career, promoting to higher levels, or as an entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, PWEN is here to support and guide you every step of the way.
Our Values: Empowerment, Equality, and Community
Collaboration is key to our success at PWEN. We are committed to working with organizations and individuals who share our mission of empowering women globally. We believe that together we can make a bigger impact and create sustainable change. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us with your ideas and proposals. We would love to hear from you and explore how we can work together.
Resilience is at the heart of everything we do here at PWEN. We believe that every person has the capacity to bounce back from adversity, and we are here to help you do just that. We offer a wide range of programs, services, and resources to help you develop your resilience and face life's challenges with confidence.
At PWEN, we believe in celebrating not just our victories but also the progress and growth that comes with every step we take towards our goals. We celebrate the dedication and support of our community, the impact of our programs, and the resilience of the women and girls we serve. Join us in celebrating our journey towards a more equitable and just society.
We are proud to be supported by a diverse group of donors and partners who share our vision of empowering women entrepreneurs. Our funding comes from individual donations, grants, sponsorships, and fundraising events. Every dollar we receive is critical to our mission, and we make sure to allocate it wisely to maximize our impact.
We understand that women face unique challenges and obstacles in their lives, and that it can be difficult to share these experiences without fear of judgment. That's why we created PWEN, a community where women can come together and build each other up. We believe that every woman's story is important and deserves to be heard, and that by supporting one another, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive world.
At PWEN, we believe in the importance of care for one's mental and physical health. That's why we offer a wide variety of wellness programs designed to promote healthy living and holistic wellbeing.
Our passion for empowering women and girls drives everything we do at PWEN. We are committed to providing resources, education, and support to help women and girls achieve their goals and thrive in their personal and professional lives. Our programs and initiatives are designed to empower women and girls to take charge of their futures and make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.