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How many of you have felt like you’re out of time? Like the season where you were destined for greatness passed you by or that your best years are already behind you? How many of you are just trying to survive instead of thrive because of this “out of time” mentality? Well I’m here to let you know that you’re not alone.

If you asked me any of these questions almost two years ago, my answer would’ve been a resounding yes for everything. So what happened to me that completely wiped out this “out of time” mindset? I had an encounter with Jesus Christ that changed my life forever.

Now I’ve told you a little about how I went from personal training to writing books because of a word from the Lord but I never talked about the dilapidated state He found me in before all that. Before my encounter, I was an alcoholic, I was a drug abuser, my mother had been diagnosed with cancer, I was in a loveless, abusive, manipulative relationship, I hated my life, and I hated myself. I hit my “out of time” mindset when I turned 30 years old because I wasn’t doing one thing that I thought I would be doing, and everything I was doing was a massive failure.

In January of 2018 when all the chips were down and I had absolutely nothing left, I cried out, re-dedicated my life to Christ, and called out for Jesus to save me. He came in and began His work on me and my life in a manner that can only be described as supernatural. Putting Jesus at the center of my life, helped me stop using alcohol as a problem solver and helped me quit drinking. Putting Jesus at the head of my life curbed my need to numb myself through the usage of drugs and I quit that too.

Jesus freed me from that broken relationship, though because of my own unnecessary actions it wasn’t a clean break. Jesus even stood in the gap for me as I was struggling to deal with my mother’s cancer treatments and gave me peace. He healed me in areas where I was deeply hurt and suffering before He gave me purpose. He saw me, met me where I was, loved me where I was, and methodically pulled me out of that place.

Instead of thinking that I’m “out of time,” I now look at my life as “on time.” Am I destined for greatness still? Yup, I’m on time! Are my best years ahead of me still? Absolutely, I’m on time! Can I still thrive instead of just surviving? No doubt about it because I’m on time! PWEN people if you want it, you have access to a Redeemer who will free you and redeem all your time. Let Jesus take you from “out of time” to “on time” for He is the on time God. You’ll be glad you did!

Til’ next time, adieu.

I wanted to talk to you about a season I’m in. It’s a season where I have to believe in that which I can not yet see. Manifest season.

It’s the one where you have lots of responsibilities and little resources but you’ve got a powerful word from the Lord saying that everything will be alright. It’s the season where people are making a lot of demands of your time, not to mention you have tons of deadlines, but the Holy Spirit gives you an inner knowing that all things are working together for your good. It’s the season where you are promised conclusions to vicious cycles that have been holding you back in different areas and you’re encouraged, but you have no idea how it’s going to happen.

Jesus never gives us the HOW, He just let’s us know what is and asks us to believe it is so. Not knowing the “how” can be very nerve racking. I’ve had instances where I’ve said “Jesus you said it was all going to work out but HOW? How am I supposed to do this?” Only to have the situation I was crying out to Jesus for, handled without my input, and with minimal participation from me.

Isn’t it funny how right when it’s time for the promise to come to pass, you’re no longer consumed by the thought of it? I wondered why this was always the case, and asked Jesus about it in my heart.

Later on, the Holy Spirit said to me, “Worry does not bring you into alignment with what I am doing with your life; praise does.” At first I didn’t understand. Then I remembered instances in the Bible where God displayed His power through our praise.

In the Old Testament when God told the Israelites that He had handed them victory over Jericho, they didn’t fight the battle in the manner they had previously. Instead, they had to lead a “praise charge” around the walls of Jericho, praising God as they walked circles around the perimeter. Until the release of a mighty yell on the seventh day, caused the walls of Jericho to finally come down. The power was in the praise.

In the New Testament when Apostle Paul and Silas were taken prisoner, they didn’t let the beatings, bruising, confinement stop them from praising Jesus. In fact, with chains still on them, Apostle Paul and Silas praised Jesus with such strength that it caused an earthquake! This caused their chains to come loose and for the doors of every prison cell to open. The power was in the praise.

Nothing says that you believe what you can not yet see more than praising God while you wait. The word of God says that He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). Lift up a joyful noise and let God be at the center of it! Witness as God breaks chains and opens doors for you. He’s done it before!

Til’ next time, adieu.

Hey PWEN people!

How many of you are waiting for God to perform a miracle in your life? How many of you are needing God to provide a solution to a problem you’re dealing with right now? How many of you are hoping that God will make manifest His timely wisdom? As for me, I hoped for and believed in all three!

This blog post I’m writing right now is a miracle, the solution to a problem I was dealing with, and the manifestation of God’s timely wisdom. In my “Views Don’t Determine Value” post, I made you all aware that writing is not what I always felt empowered to pursue. It was a gift given to me by the Holy Spirit when I began walking in my purpose in Christ Jesus. That being said, the Holy Spirit chooses my words as well as my writing topics.

Normally when I’m writing a blog post I’ll get inspired about a week or so before it’s due to be posted, do my edits quickly, and then I’m good to go. This time was very different. I had no topic and no clear inspiration until 4am this morning on the day that my post is due! And it was at that time in the morning that I heard the Holy Spirit say “I want you to talk to them about timely wisdom. I want you to talk to them about the importance of waiting on Me to move before they do.”

Why is it so important for you to wait on God’s timely wisdom before acting? Because as Isaiah 55:9 NLT reminds us, “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

God’s thought process and strategies of life are on a completely different level than our own. We may not always understand why He does things a specific way or why our wait has to be a certain length of time, but what we do know is that we never wait in vain. What we do know is that God is always faithful to His promises.

I had to wait almost two weeks for inspiration on this post, when it would normally take one week to receive my next writing assignment. Though writing at 4am on the due date for an 8am deadline would not be my ideal choice, it was God’s choice. This perceived setback, allowed me to talk about His timely wisdom from a place of immediate understanding. What was late for me, was the perfect time for Him AND I still finished writing my post before the deadline.

I want to encourage anyone who is panicking as you wait for God to show up for you. Fear not! He is coming! God’s ways are higher than ours and He shows up differently than we expect Him to, but we can always count on Him to be on time.

Til’ next time, adieu.


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